
Some Provinces and Cities Related Policies on Plastic Products Industry

Plastic products are made of plastic as the main raw material processing of life, industry and other supplies collectively. Including plastic as raw material injection molding, blister and other products of all processes. Plastic is a kind of plastic synthetic polymer material.

Related policies of Chinese plastic product industry

In recent years, in order to promote the development of the plastic products industry, China has issued many policies. For example, in 2022, The General Office of the State Council issued the “Opinions on Making Cross-cycle Adjustment and Further Stabilizing Foreign Trade” to export enterprises of labor-intensive products such as textiles, clothing, furniture, shoes and boots, plastic products, luggage, toys, stone, ceramics, advantages and characteristics of agricultural products. Local governments should implement policies and measures to reduce burdens and stabilize jobs and increase employment, and increase policy support for export credit and export credit insurance in a manner consistent with WTO rules.

Pubdate Publishing department Policy name Main content
Jul-12 State council “Twelve five plan” Country Development plan for strategic emerging industries It will focus on developing co-associated mineral resources, comprehensive utilization of bulk solid waste, remanufacturing of auto parts and mechanical and electrical products, and resource recycling. With advanced hormone supported waste commodity recycling system, kitchen waste, agricultural and forestry waste, waste textiles and waste plastic products resource utilization.
Jan-16 State council Several Opinions of The State Council on Promoting Innovative Development of Industry and Trade Continue to develop traditional labor-intensive processing industries such as textiles, clothing, footwear, furniture, plastic products and toys to consolidate our traditional advantages
Apr-21 Ministry of transport Notice on the promotion and application of standardized logistics turnover boxes In accordance with the Opinions of the Ministry of Ecology and Environment of the National Development and Reform Commission on Further Strengthening the control of plastic pollution and other documents, reduce the use of non-degradable plastic packaging bags and disposable packing boxes, strengthen supervision and inspection of manufacturers of plastic products, urge them to strictly implement relevant laws and regulations and produce plastic products that meet the requirements of the national standards. Chemical additives that are harmful to the human body and the environment shall not be added in violation of laws, and research and development of products that can be recycled and easily recycled shall be strengthened to effectively increase the supply of green products.
Jan-21 General Office of the Ministry of Commerce Notice of the General Office of the Ministry of Commerce on Promoting the Green Development of E-commerce enterprises Urge and guide e-commerce platforms to report the use and recycling of plastic bags and other disposable plastic products produced by their self-operated businesses, guide operators on the platform to reduce and replace the use of disposable plastic products by formulating platform rules, service agreements, carrying out publicity and other measures, and release the implementation status to the society. Guide e-commerce platform enterprises to carry out regular investigations on the use and recycling of disposable plastic products by platform operators, and report the assessment as required.
Sep-21 National Development and Reform Commission, Ministry of Ecology and Environment Notice of the Ministry of Ecology and Environment of the National Development and Reform Commission on Printing and Distributing the “Fourteen five Plan” Action Plan for Controlling and Improving Plastic Pollution Increase the recycling and utilization of plastic waste, support the construction of waste waste recycling projects, develop the list of enterprises with standardized comprehensive utilization of waste plastics, guide related projects to gather in parks such as resource recycling bases and industrial comprehensive utilization bases, and promote the large-scale, standardized and clean development of plastic waste recycling and utilization industries.
Sep-21 National Development and Reform Commission, Ministry of Ecology and Environment Notice of the Ministry of Ecology and Environment of the National Development and Reform Commission on Printing and Distributing the “Fourteen five Plan” Action Plan for Controlling and Improving Plastic Pollution Continue to recommend the use of disposable plastic products to reduce the amount, implement the state regulations on banning and restricting the sale and use of some plastic products, formulate the use and reporting management measures of disposable plastic products, establish and improve the use and recycling of disposable plastic products reporting system, urge and guide retail, e-commerce, catering, accommodation and other operators to fulfill the main responsibilities. Urge and guide e-commerce, takeout and other platform enterprises and express delivery enterprises to formulate rules for the reduction of disposable plastic products.
Jan-22 Ministry of Industry and Information Technology, Ministry of Science and Technology, Ministry of Ecology and Environment Action plan for high-quality development of environmental protection equipment manufacturing industry(2022-2025) For persistent organic pollution, antibiotics, microplastics, light pollution and other new pollutants, carry out related technical equipment preliminary research and technical reserves
Jan-22 National Development and Reform Commission The Guidelines of the National Development and Reform Commission and other departments on accelerating the construction of the system of recycling waste materials and resources Standardized management will be carried out in the recycling, processing and utilization industries of waste materials such as steel and iron, non-ferrous metals, plastics, paper, tires, textiles, mobile phones and power batteries
Jan-22 General Office of the Ministry of Commerce Opinions of The General Office of the State Council on Further stabilizing foreign trade through cross-cycle adjustment For exporters of labor-intensive products such as textiles, clothing, household shoes, plastic products, luggage, toys, stone, ceramics and competitive agricultural products, local governments should implement policies and measures to reduce burdens and stabilize employment and increase employment, and increase policy support for export credit and export credit insurance in a manner consistent with WTO specifications


Some provinces and cities plastic products industry related policies

In response to the national call, provinces and cities actively promote the development of plastic products industry. For example, Henan Province issued the “14th Five-Year Plan for Ecological Environmental Protection and Ecological Economic Development” to strengthen the prevention and control of the whole chain of white pollution, and banned the production, sale and use of some plastic products by regions, varieties and stages. Continue to reduce the use of non-degradable plastic bags, disposable tableware, hotels and disposable products.

Province Disctribute time Policy name Main content
Jiangxi Jul-21 Some measures on accelerating the establishment and improvement of green low-carbon circular economic development We will carry out publicity on garbage classification, and promote garbage classification and resource utilization in an orderly manner. Further recommend plastic pollution control, speed up the green transformation of delivery packages, reduce the use of disposable plastic products
Hubei Oct-21 Provincial network government on accelerating the establishment of a sound green low-carbon circular economic development reminder of implementation opinions Strengthen the control of plastic pollution, intensify supervision and law enforcement, promote, publicize and guide alternative products, and ban and restrict a batch of plastic products in an orderly manner
Henan Feb-22 Henan Province “Fourteen-five” ecological environmental protection and ecological economic development plan Strengthen the prevention and control of the whole chain of white pollution, and prohibit the production, sale and use of some plastic products by regional varieties and stages. Continue to reduce the use of non-degradable plastic bags, disposable tableware, hotels and disposable products
Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region Jan-22 The “Fourteen Five” Plan for Ecological and Environmental Protection in Guangxi Establish a working mechanism for preventing and controlling plastic contamination in the whole chain, focus on key areas and important environments for the production, sale and use of plastic products, fully implement the government’s regulatory responsibilities and the main responsibilities of enterprises, orderly restrict and prohibit the production, sale and use of some plastic products, actively promote alternative products, and standardize the recycling and utilization of plastic waste. Establish and improve environmental management systems for the production, circulation, use, recycling and disposal of plastic products, and effectively control plastic pollution
Shangxi Sep-21 Several measures to accelerate the establishment and improvement of green circular economic development Strengthen the control of plastic pollution, recommend the reduction of plastic sources in a scientific and reasonable way, and encourage the public to reduce the use of disposable plastic products
Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region Jan-22 Implementation Opinions of the People’s Government of the Autonomous Region on Accelerating the establishment and improvement of a Green, low-carbon and circular development economic system Strengthen the control of plastic pollution, continuously intensify supervision and law enforcement, promote, publicize and guide alternative products, and ban and restrict a batch of plastic products in an orderly manner
Guangdong Jul-21 Implementation Plan for Digital Transformation of Manufacturing in Guangdong Province (2021-2025) and Policy Measures for Digital Transformation of Manufacturing in Guangdong Province The modern light industry and textile industry cluster develops new products, new technologies and new models for new needs, centering on textile and clothing, furniture, plastic products, leather, paper, daily chemical and other consumer goods industries

Post time: Feb-23-2023